How to Improve Your Mental Health

It’s not surprising that people who abuse substances lean towards the development of mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety but in one study, some of an ordinary person’s seemingly harmless lifestyle habits can also predispose one to psychiatric disorders. Researchers found out that people who are at high risk for developing anxiety, depression, […]

Falling Asleep: What Not to Do

People have told you about good sleeping habits before like drinking warm milk before you go to bed or remove the television from your bedroom. However, as much as you follow these different tips, you still find yourself having difficulty catching some much needed sleep in the evening. Have you taken a look at your […]

The Signs of Chronic Stress

Ellie, not her real name, is used to be an active teenager. When she went to college, she always joined clubs and was active in several extra-curricular activities. When she got her degree, she constantly kept herself busy, thinking that being busy meant she was on her way to being successful. Fast forward a few […]

Busting Stress

Stress is a part of life. It’s totally inevitable. No matter how prepared you are for a presentation, or how happy you think you might be in a relationship, there’s always that tiniest level of anxiety nagging at the corners. If you’re not ready, it can take over you. But fortunately, even if it’s always […]

Benefits of Aromatherapy

Rebecca Ginder Florida Aromatheraphy

Day to day life is stressful enough and it seems like every morning brings us new challenges. There are numerous benefits and ways to stimulate your overall health with aromatherapy.  Both physical and mental healing with aromatherapy treatment will help your body and mind to distress as well as strengthen. Research has shown aromatherapy to […]