How to Improve Your Mental Health

It’s not surprising that people who abuse substances lean towards the development of mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety but in one study, some of an ordinary person’s seemingly harmless lifestyle habits can also predispose one to psychiatric disorders. Researchers found out that people who are at high risk for developing anxiety, depression, […]

Children Involved in Bullying May Have More Psychiatric Issues in Adulthood

A study from the Duke University Medical Center found, after the review of more than 20 years of data from a group of 1,270 participants, has found that children involved in bullying are more likely to develop a number of psychiatric disorders as they grow into adulthood. The study, which is called the most definitive and extensive to date, indicates that not only does the target of bullying suffer long term effects, but so do the bullies. This contradicts the common perception that the effects of bullying are short term and that children grow out of them as they mature.

Breaking the cycle of Insomnia through good sleep hygiene

Rebecca Ginder Sleep Theraphy in Delrary Beach Florida

Creating habits that help you have a good night’s sleep is referred to as “sleep hygiene”.  Insomnia and other common sleeping problems are often caused by bad habits that are reinforced over time.  Continuous use of sleeping pills may also have a negative impact on your sleep hygiene, often losing their effectiveness while causing a […]

Benefits of Aromatherapy

Rebecca Ginder Florida Aromatheraphy

Day to day life is stressful enough and it seems like every morning brings us new challenges. There are numerous benefits and ways to stimulate your overall health with aromatherapy.  Both physical and mental healing with aromatherapy treatment will help your body and mind to distress as well as strengthen. Research has shown aromatherapy to […]