The Effects of Losing and Gaining Hours of Sleep

We have all experienced lying awake at night, counting the hours until sunrise, or the time when you should be up and how many hours of sleep you have left. Eventually, we end up thinking of the effects this night’s lack of sleep will have on our performance the next day. We lie awake thinking […]

Sleep Better Through Yoga

Three Women Doing Yoga

Over the years, health enthusiasts and fitness experts have endorsed the countless health benefits of yoga. An ancient Indian practice, yoga has been attributed to preventing different diseases such as cancer, heart attack, stroke, high blood pressure, arthritis and even mental illnesses. In fact, a recent study which was published in the Journal of Clinical […]

Exercise Relieves Insomnia Over Time

It’s common advice for people who have trouble sleeping at night that daily exercises will help enhance the quality and duration of sleep. However, despite being a common advice for insomniacs, recent study from the Journal of Sleep Medicine pointed out that exercising today won’t necessarily help them sleep better tonight… or the next night […]

Breaking the cycle of Insomnia through good sleep hygiene

Rebecca Ginder Sleep Theraphy in Delrary Beach Florida

Creating habits that help you have a good night’s sleep is referred to as “sleep hygiene”.  Insomnia and other common sleeping problems are often caused by bad habits that are reinforced over time.  Continuous use of sleeping pills may also have a negative impact on your sleep hygiene, often losing their effectiveness while causing a […]